Dienstag, 27. März 2018

Testing gear -Update 2

The recent weeks we had mostly windy days, rain and even some snow. That’s why I wasn’t able do longer rides yet. Last Sunday, it would have been possible weather wise. But that day we had the season opening in slalom. That was fun!

Some more gear testing has been done since my last posting. This time with the larger deck, the Fullbag Fôboo. First I mounted a PSD convex footstop and changed the wheels to bubblegum Hot Spots (rear) and mango Blast Waves (front). With this set up I did my first five laps test under 3:30 - a 3:25.

And I got a new Seismic G5 (30°). For a quick first test, I mixed the new baseplate with the old narrow hanger and soft yellow springs. Mounted this 5° dewedged. On a pretty windy day I did a 3:28. Then I narrowed the G5 hanger to 138 mm and assembled it with green springs. Yesterday there was almost no wind in the evening and I did a 3:21 on this board. It felt like I could have gone faster if my legs weren’t so tired from slalom the day before. Set up like this, I really like the board. I’m getting along great with the mellow concave and the shape of the Fôboo. And the wheels are lightning fast. So not much reason for further testing - beside my curiosity.