Only a few days left till my hour record attempt. Five to be precise. What have I done during the last week? Skateboarding of course. I did several sessions on the parking-lot - three times 5 x 5 laps and one longer non-stop ride. My five laps intervalls got faster and faster. I did personal bests each session: 3:18,75 on Monday and 3:18,15 on Wendsday. On Wendsday I rode the Fullbag TM-39 (Front: Bennett 6.0 (+15°)/purpel BlastWaves, Rear: Randal 125 35° (-9°)/BigZigs HD 74a) – finally managed to go fast on that board. Still I prefer the Fullbag Fôboo that I‘ve tested with mint BlastWaves in front and mango BlastWaves in rear for the first time tonight. And I'm happy that I reached a 3:17,34 with this set up.
I‘m planning to do one more longer session on Tuesday or Wendsday. Thursday I‘m going to travel to Kaiserslautern. And friday night shall be the hour of truth. (Keep your fingers crossed for dry wheater.)